Feed, Hay, & Bedding
A comprehensive range with everything you need to keep your bunny or small pet, clean and tidy and fit and healthy.Rabbit food designed to keep your pets well. Our own Brand of feed "Millen Advance "we have used for years- our rabbits do very well on this with many living to double figures. So the proof is in the age and health of my own rabbits.We have an extensive range of bedding and eating hays. Timothy hay from the UK and North America - great for keeping those back teeth in order. We have Italian Ryegrass for the fussy eaters in two types: fine and gold and Big and Stalky or if you are not sure then try one of our blend mixes. Meadow hay in two types- Sussex which is a course hay with nibbly bits or So soft probably the softest hay ever with a rich sweet smell.Bedding wise probably the largest selection you will find in one place. Straw based litter pellet-great for toilets, chopped lemon straw, Lavender Shavings, Flax, supersorb and our lovely golden Barley straw. With plain shavings and easy peasy bedding. Some thing for every breed of bunny or small pet. With bulk options available.
There are 15 products.
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- Categories: Eating Hays
Italian Ryegrass-Fine & Gold-New 2024- with a hint of green
Three sizes 1kg, 3kg & 10kg Box
Fibre Select Italian Ryegrass / Timothy Blend
3 sizes 1kg, 3kg and value 10kg box
Canadian Timothy Hay-2024
3 sizes- value 9kg box.- POSTAGE ONLY £6