This tasty food for junior rabbits contains extra protein to help support growth and development and is fortified with a blend of amino acids, vitamins and herbs to provide a great natural source of antioxidants, helping to give young rabbits a great start in life, naturally. Selective Rabbit Jr is also ideal for pregnant and lactating does.

Composition: Alfalfa meal, wheat, soya bean hulls, soya bean meal, wheat feed, flaked peas, linseeds, soya oil,calcium carbonate, prebiotics (MOS), dried spinach, yucca extract.May contain genetically modified soya and traces of nuts..

Technological Additives: None Stated; Sensory Additives: None Stated; Nutritional Additives: Vitamin A 20000 IU, Vitamin D3 2000 IU, Iron (E1) 50mg, Iodine (E2) 1.5mg, Copper (E4) 7.5mg,Manganese (E5) 30mg, Zinc (E6) 100mg, Selenium (E8) 0.25mg..

Analytical Constituents: Protein 17%, Crude Fibres 19%, Crude Oils and Fats 4%, Crude Ash 8%

Feeding Guide: Selective Rabbit Junior is best fed freely, however weight and wellbeing should be regularly monitored. Allow 40£50g/kg of body weight per rabbit per day. Fresh vegetables should also be provided along with good quality hay and clean drinking water. Please store in a cool dry place.

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