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Timothy Hay, soft Meadow Hay, Italian Rye grass- great for rabbits plus advanced food
Fibre Four Jumbo + 4.5kg Millen Advance Food
Reference: F4 + food
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Instead of £51.00
Fibre four & 4.5kg Advanced food
3kg x 4 =12kg of hay

Delivery rates and Info. Shipping estimator at basket.
Fibre four pack
3kg x 4 =12kg of hay
plus 4.5kg Millen Advanced food
Designed for bunnies and their back teeth....................and other animals
Pack contains:
Fibre blend- Timothy & Rye-2024, Ultra Timothy Hay -2024, Italian fine & gold Rye Grass 2024,Meadow Hay so soft 2024
4.5kg Millen advance food.
All sizes are approximate
Our hays are- entirely natural and is not chopped or pressed. Its natural structure guarantees natural nibbling fun, will keep your pet busy and help with tooth abrasion. The long stalks ensure this hay stays in the hay rack rather and won't fall on the floor and be soiled.
Please note:
Our hay is an untreated product that varies with weather conditions. Varying shades of green, yellow stalks or a paler colour are not signs of inferior quality. Good hay can be distinguished by smell and consistency and how the rabbits eat it.
Suitable for all animal types-even horses, sheep and Goats.
This pack is great for keeping bunnies chewing and nibbling all day long. You can vary what they have and keep them interested.
If you find one they really enjoy, large individual bags are available.
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Fibre four & 4.5kg Advanced food
3kg x 4 =12kg of hay
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